Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The New Susan Smith: Shaquan Duley (Death of the Innocent)

If you have heard about this nut’s Susan Smith attempt or of the thousands like it that plague our society then you are probably just as irritated as I am.

Shaquan Duley, the mother of three has been charged with murdering her two young boys. Apparently Shaquan suffocated the two boys, put their lifeless bodies into her car, drove to a nearby body of water, steered the car into water and jumped out claiming that she'd had an accident.

Heated yet?

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a 7 year old son and I would give my life to ensure that he had the opportunity to take just one more breathe.

When will men and women stop taking their anger, frustration, and overall stupidity out on the most innocent of beings; their own children?

I swear that if I could have one moment with some of these people I would come out with multiple charges and a smile on my face.

I could do an internet search and pull up hundreds of recent articles about both men and women who have murdered their own offspring. There is nothing that angers me more than to see that someone took the life of their own child because they “couldn’t handle the pressure”.

Just so you know: Raising a child is not easy! There are no manuals, guides, cliff notes, power point presentations, or books for dummy’s to guide you through parenthood. It’s a bit of trial and error. You will make mistakes. At some points you may even think that you have failed as a parent. It’s normal!

What isn’t normal is contemplating how to get rid of your child because you haven’t finished living, clubbing, and enjoying your own life. What is not normal is suffocating, beating, and abusing your child because you can’t take the constant whining and day to day irritations.

Here’s a thought: You have options!

Option one: If you can’t handle mother or fatherhood, don’t have children. Simple, I know! There are several different methods available to avoid getting pregnant that both males and females can use. Don’t leave it up to someone else to determine if you spend the next 9 months of your life regretting one night of poor decisions.

Option two: I know a lot of you will disagree but it is an option. Abortion! Yeah, I know, it’s not a pretty word but it beats having a child, allowing it to breathe outside of the womb only to snatch it’s life away months or years later. Not condoning or advocating abortion, just saying it IS an option.

Option three: Give the child up for adoption. If you can’t afford to take care of yourself it’s likely you can’t afford to take care of a child. Give the child an opportunity for a life better than what you can offer. Most states offer open and closed adoptions.

And lastly, for those who avoided options 1-3 and are contemplating taking the life of an innocent child, I would say whatever you plan on doing to them, do to yourself instead but that wouldn’t be politically correct………so instead, I’ll say get help! Drop your child off to a relative, get some perspective, come back with a clear head and heart, then figure out how both you and your child can continue to live a long and healthy life.

Oh yeah, adoption's still an option no matter what age the child…..Just saying!

Beat the guilt and the charge by finding a healthy alternative to dealing with your anger. Our youth, have enough obstacles to deal with. Fearing the wrath of a parent shouldn’t be one of them!



  1. I bet I slap the shit out of the next black person to kill their own kid in the United States of America!! What is the world coming too when you even have the thought to kill one of your own as well as somebody else, but what you gave birth to? As Fred Sanford would say...U Big Dummy!! In all fairness tho and I dont endorse this but I like the kill yourself if you thinking bout killing your own!! LMAO...But then again. Who Am I?! LOL.

    -Johann Schimdt

  2. I just don't get it. Times are hard for many of us. My son drives me batty sometimes but, "that's mine". I would not trade him for the world. If I have to eat Raman Noodles everyday and let him eat chicken, beef and vegetables if there's not enough then so be it. But take me child's life hell no.

    Excellent piece sis.

  3. wow BRIGHTER, I remember reading a quick excerpt from this story but the headline read something to the affect of this chic bein' a "good mother" that was "overwhelmed" by whatever. Bullshit! Don't let white-media persuade you that killin' ur irrelevant 'black' babies is cool if you gotta legitimate excuse! Glad you enlightened on this one...
